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We Need Science and Social Media to Work Together to Create Peace

We need to communicate with one another in ways that give us the best chance of being a nation at Peace with itself and on a perpetual pathway toward safety, security, and mutual support in our communities.

Social media has a huge impact on us today. The various social media linkages we have today give us instinctive and functional interactions with one another that recreate the linkages we have had for tens of thousands of years in the huts, the villages and the caves that our people lived in for most of our existence as a species.

This level of interaction is not new. It is, in fact, a normal set of interactions that echo and repeat the connections that are what we have experienced for most of our existence as people.

A family living in a pre-industrial cave interacted with each other in real time and with extreme immediacy because everyone was effectively in the cave together and in constant contact with one another. That set of connections and interactions felt good and right to people and it seemed like the right way for us to interact and live because it was what we knew and lived with in our lives.

We have managed to recreate the immediacy of those connections by the millions today with Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, BlueSky, and Twitter variations — and people today tend to be very happy, involved, sometimes emersed, committed, and even addicted to having those links happening constantly in their lives.

People love their social media tools and connections.

People create communities and sub communities on each of those platforms and venues — and those communities and groupings that we continuously create have each evolved their own internal expectations, rules, community guidelines, interaction processes, and functional cultures using those tools as we use them today in each of those venues.

People in each setting tend to learn and use the rule sets created by that process for each group and context.

Those platforms and those connection tools create the opportunity for creative and positive interaction between people in our world today. They can make a major positive impact in people’s lives, and people often very much value and appreciate, and even enjoy , recognize and celebrate their existence and their use.

But —

Those same connection tools can have a dark side, and they also can enable, facilitate, and support some extremely damaging and destructive behavior that we want to prevent and minimize in our settings and our lives if we want long-term Peace in our settings and lives.

Evil happens.

Sometimes evil people use those tools to do damage to other people in their scope and process, and the people doing the damage are sometimes hidden from sight by the process and we sometimes have no way of having the evil and damaging people being deterred, identified, and held accountable in some ways for the behavior and actions they chose to do to hurt other people.

People sometimes use the social media connections to hurt other people.

We need to manage our social media environment to reduce that kind of damage from being done to people by other people using those tools.

All of the major social media platforms that we use today have rules that apply to some aspects of the communication processes. We need those rules to be understood and clear. We need to use communication approaches that give us the best long-term likelihood of both group safety and inter group Peace in our communities.

We need to steer away from damage being done inside our communities, and we need to be particularly careful and well aware of the damage that might be inflicted in our settings by people who choose, for whatever reasons, that they might have to do bad and even evil things using those tools.

We have had some tribal conflicts that have spilled over to those settings, and on a higher level, there have even been people from other countries and other nation states who are enemies to us who have used those tools for their negative and damaging purposes to make us less successful and even less safe as a people.

We clearly have had some experience and history of other nation states who want to damage us as a country having their people skillfully do damage to us in intentional ways, and creating their own armies of pretend members of our community who say intentional and explicit things in those settings to make us unhappy and angry with one another.

We've tended to keep sex in explicit ways out of the basic platforms and out of the most popular venues in very intentional ways to keep those issues and topics from diverting us from the other topics that are served well by internet involvement and use — and to give people a sense of safety on those issues that keep them from disrupting and making those venues unpleasant for our users in our most popular settings.

Sexual activity and topics need to be avoided in those streams of information and handled in the most positive and noninvasive and nonintrusive ways by our expectations and our rules for each set of communications for each of the social media platforms and tools that we use for our primary social interactions and communication approaches that make it clear that sexual contacts, offers, explicit information, and sexual opportunities are not allowed in the content of those settings.

We need to continue to create and enforce those barriers to that content and information so that people can venture into those information streams without fear of being sexually attacked or distracted in unpleasant ways by other members of those communities in the interactions that are allowed in those settings.

We're trying to do that in each of the major social media platforms and venues now.

The people who run those mainstream tools and platforms that have the highest volume of use today have very wisely kept explicit sexual images and content from being a major factor in those general community social media sites. That's a good business decision for those sites for large numbers of their customers and they will probably continue down those paths going forward because it helps keep their volume high with that nonsexual content.

The site owners of Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, BlueSky, and Twitter seem to believe and understand that they will face major community backlash and can put their status as a safe and desirable community site at risk and can make it less likely that people will voluntarily use their services if they allow sex to be explicit in those spaces and settings.

There are many other platforms and sites on the internet that have sexual content.

Those sites and those tools with high and direct sexual content have their own access levels and market functions, and those sites can and do make available various levels of sexual-related content to their customers and participants.

What we have somehow managed to achieve for the internet today for the community social media tools, is that the key platforms like TikTok and Instagram and Facebook, have a very wide range of other content that share information and create communities, and those social media sites with those rules, tools, and expectations have great popularity and they obviously now have built extensive sets of followers without having sex be their topic or an allowable subject matter.

The audiences for each of those social media venues have built their own cultures and expectations on their interactions, and there are many internal communities that build their own followers and loyalty levels inside the context of each overarching community.

Those internal groupings are often easily available to us and they give us easy ways of being heard and connecting with other people who tend to be aligned to our own sense of the world today.


The social media venues are surrounded by a vast set and array of other communication links that are constantly developing and often available through the internet.

Podcasts are in that tool kit.

People love creating and building various podcast tools and even communities and many exist that have their own audiences, fans, and even followers — and that make both connections and information available to people who find them attractive and useful.

Podcasts have their own use and functionality for our internet connectivity approaches, and those sites and tools have their own value as part of our overall connectivity strategy, approach, and agenda that can supplement the primary social media outlets and tools.

So, in addition to those mainstream standard social media linkage platforms that connect millions of people, the internet has a rich and growing array of podcasts on a wide range of topics, and some of the most popular podcasts currently have millions of followers and create their own sets of beliefs and issues that they discuss.

Joe Rogan, for example. has millions of followers, and the people who choose his site constantly get his thoughts and perspectives on real-time topics and issues, from a conservative perspective politically.

Cenk Uyger, as another podcast service, now has 14 million more liberal viewers who follow his thoughts and observations to get that political perspective and belief, and to create interactions and discussions with him and kindred spirits about that set of beliefs.

Uyger and Rogan have very different political perspectives, but both seem to be trying to sell and explain their beliefs and to inform the world about some key issues that are relevant to our world and can help feed and support contexts for our thinking.

There are many other podcasts with other points of view available today as well, and that is good for the internet and our communities, because the wide array of podcast vehicles can, in total, create almost a golden age of communication tools that allow us to learn and to teach and to interact as people with one another and to be entertained in the process.

The podcasts and other internet thought pieces and presentations give us options for learning — and when we look at Peace issues, we have the opportunity to sort through the options available to us and we each can pick the ones that give us the best opportunity to grow and learn, and even communicate with one another in the context of our preferred beliefs.

We tend to use podcasts that support our current ideological or social beliefs, and we will probably each have opportunities for intellectual and emotional growth and expansion if we also periodically look at the podcasts that have other perspectives and beliefs just for the opportunity that they give us for learning and for context building information.

The Old Media Venues and Businesses Are Evolving

We also have choices involving the old media venues, organizations, and sites that can give us access to good information on a timely basis and that aspire to provide that service to us today.

The old news media has not disappeared, and those organizations and tools that come from those old communication stalwarts and giants and that flow of data can also be of service today as we conduct our lives and aspire to learn if we look at what those organizations and services are offering now to see if they still add another useful layer to the communication processes.

The old traditional news media very much want to survive as businesses and as communication vehicles, and they're each actively involved in creating their own internet linkages and competing for our attachment and loyalty as we make our connections to the web and the world.

The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, along with similar print-based organizations, continue to publish newspapers and they now also each have extremely active internet tools that they are continuously improving.

Some of their new internet linked sites from the Post and Times now can give almost real-time coverage of some events and happenings, and that link to current data and breaking news should be a good business model if they can sustain currency and also link people to adept and accurate follow-up written and electronic pieces on each event to create context for each event and issue.

When major debates happen in the political world, the anchor media teams from those old media sites can both broadcast the debate live and have their own set of experts and sources offering insight into the process and the speakers in real time as the debate occurs.

The traditional and anchor electronic news networks and media sites now tend to do the same thing for both immediacy and follow-up reporting, and they're competing for our linkages as well.

CNN, NBC, ABC, and Fox News also all have their real-time internet tools, and people who believe that any of those communication teams are credible and useful can easily find links to those sites on the internet and can continue to be loyal customers for the services they sell.

They're all competing for our time and for our web linkages, and they're all continuously improving in their services and links.

The internet, itself, now is very much real time relative to reporting the news, and we now can collectively and individually search and use our favorite sites when breaking news is relevant to our lives.


We have the opportunity to link to wide ranges of sites that we trust and prefer, and we can do it in real time with almost no expense and with easy connection approaches for many of the sites. Each linkage has its virtues, interests, functions, identities, and even charm.

The huge TikTok community has many interesting levels of connections, and there are levels of interaction within that venue that people love, value, and build on for informing their lives.

Instagram has internal groupings, and the algorithms that channel sales opportunities to us in that setting can also work to channel flows of data about the topics we find most interesting for our own learning and awareness levels.

The algorithm sorting that meets the needs of the buyers and sellers in those venues also now tends to give us our own search engines for finding and sharing information that we want to learn and see.

Facebook is brilliant at connecting people into relevant groupings and topics that make us feel good about being Facebook users.

That isn’t a bad thing to do, because feeling good about interacting is one of the human traits that we want to encourage, support, and even enable — and each of those social media trains are directionally correct in bringing us together.

Bluesky links are newer and developing and they will probably evolve down pathways that look a lot like the approaches of the other platforms.

Bluesky was created in part to give people an alternative to Twitter when Twitter was very clearly and intentionally politicized and started incorporating anger into their connection tool kit at a main component of the process and context. Twitter is now clearly intended as a major part of its function to do negative things and to celebrate doing them with itself for the people who choose to get their information from them as a source.

There was a time when everyone went to Twitter to get current and even true information about breaking news and various developments. It very obviously and intentionally no longer fuels that pure information flow, and millions of people have left it for that reason and millions of other people like it even more because they align with the politics of the site and find that data flow reinforcing.

Blue Sky is trying in part to replace that old, trusted source of objective news, and millions of people with a broad set of beliefs are building that site into what might be the new first site to look at for breaking news.

Some other options to Twitter exist and will build their own audiences and viewers.

We should look to see which venues make sense and support the ones that seem to meet our needs most effectively in this changing world.


A major point for us all to remember is that the web functions as one of the best markets and the best marketplaces ever created.

We can now very easily buy things on the web. That functionality and those processes also return us to a set of interactions that our ancestors experienced in the villages and family hut collections and settings that served us for tens of thousands of years as our way of buying and selling things we needed for our lives.

It’s actually interesting and useful to understand that the same kinds of purchasing approaches that we each felt in the primal villages and in the caves and the huts, where we lived for eons, have their functional equivalency with the various web tools that sell us things now on the internet, and they feel very right to many people who use the web because they're very immediate and they meet our needs in real time.

We have amazing market power today linked to our phones and computers that support a vast market economy that's changing daily to meet the needs of people who want to sell things and buy things in real time.

That can be a kind of golden age of connections, that support those purchasing processes. It can be interesting and fun and even almost addictive at various levels to be able to acquire things on the internet and to have that process steer parts of our lives.

That entire set of internet connections and interactions and processes isn’t a bad thing. We enjoy the linkages and the opportunities, and we should build on the best features of those tools because people love them now — and it isn’t bad to help people do things that they love to do, as long as they don’t’ somehow hurt other people while doing them.

We need to have the ability to enforce and enable the various kinds of purchasing events that happen on the various websites so that people don’t get cheated when they buy things, and that seems to be the reality today.

The internet has managed to police itself fairly well relative to some of those purchasing sets of risks, processes, and issues.

Amazon has its own market enforcement processes that allow us to purchase with comfort from that site knowing that the product will be there and that it will appear in our homes if we make the right sets of decisions to make a purchase and use the processes that Amazon has created to achieve those goals.

Each of the other social media approaches that also make sales directly from their sites also have their own internal structures and approaches that allow us to have comfort that when we buy something, it will cost what we think it costs, and it will appear on our personal home site on the time frame that we expect it to appear.

Again, that whole set of functions very much resembles, echoes, and even duplicates our primal communities and markets, where we interacted with the vendors in each market, and we paid them for whatever we decided to purchase from them at the point of sale and took possession of whatever we purchased at that point in time.

The internet has an extremely effective internal policing mechanism for those purchases, because when we are unhappy as a customer, we can express that unhappiness in effective and almost immediate ways — and the owners of Instagram and TikTok and other social media platforms who collect part of the purchase cash flow have a strong incentive for us to be happy customers so that they can continue to thrive themselves as businesses in those settings and functions.

We can do purchases well now, and we are also learning how to get the best information about other aspects of our world from the various internet tool kits and tools available to us.

We need to be able to make good decisions about other topics as well as making good purchases.


As we go forward, we need to figure out how to get good information about the world around us in real time, and we probably should each figure out credible sources of information that we can each and all use for those purposes to help us manage our lives and understand our world.

We have been intentionally misled in some important ways in the immediate past.

The most recent election was replete with misleading information from a wide set of sources, and they used the internet communication tools to mislead us in important ways.

We have had many people misleading us at various levels during the most recent election process. We need to figure out who and what we can trust going forward for our next round of political activity.

A new expectation from us about our leaders is that we now expect them to be good users of social media sales tools and communication approaches. The two lead people in the most current election both had strong TikTok media campaigns, and they both gave voters almost real-time media content and exposure.

This is also a return to the approach and understanding level we had in the primal huts and villages, where people selecting the leader in each setting had face time with the people asking for support in their interactions, and everyone knew everyone else at a very direct and immediate level.

We just had that happen for millions of people in this election from those tools.

That’s actually a good thing, and politicians will have to be good at those interactions and their communications to get that support.

It’s a bad thing if we have information in that process that isn’t from our candidates and from outside sources who want to damage us as a country and are willing to use social media as a tool to do that damage.

As a country, we should create rules and even laws that say that other countries are not allowed to put their information flows on our internet as a direct input from them as a country and we should forbid that and then both penalize the other countries and shut off fake news sources from them appearing in our data flow.

Our high-volume internet users for Instagram and TikTok are very intelligent people, and they know when their pieces are being attacked by what are clearly non-human spokes sources and bots on various sources when they make points that the bots from those foreign sources don’t like.

We definitely need real opposition from actual people with other political views to be shown on our social media venues.

But we need to reduce the rate of fake news being fed down those channels.

We should be able to do that by asking our current practitioners in that space to let us know when they believe they're being attacked by foreign sources.

That should be illegal and the smart people who create the real and actual sites with so many followers today  who have their statements attacked by those sites for sites for TikTok and Instagram should be able to turn the sites that they suspect as being from those sources into a new team of experts that we need to put in place at NSA to have the skill sets and tools to check out the sources of the sites and to identify from that information flow that those particular sites are fake.

The TikTok and Instagram people who have high volumes of followers tend to be bright and astute people, and we should use them as a source for identifying the sites that might be fake.

We might not need to take many fake sites down to create a major difference in the flow of public information on those sites. As hunters have been known to say in looking at a forest floor and trying to figure out a deer population: "One deer makes many tracks."

We need the whole team to have truth and full information to be our goal and we need to have as much of the information that we can have to be from real and authentic sources.

We need to sort through the various data sources relevant to us and ask them to give us their best products and the most effective approaches to keep us well and currently informed.

The traditional Media businesses give us an easy tool to use for some of that information.

We should give CNN and Fox News and the Washington Post and the other traditional media vendors who used to have strong sets of ethical standards about accuracy and truth all the opportunity to keep us informed — and we should check out whose perspective on the news items we trust at the highest levels by looking at what those sources make available to us, and by using our own social media information flows to discern both accuracy and truth on multiple issues that affect our lives.

The glory of the internet is that we can get a mass flow of immediate information at various points in time, and that information flow can compete for our attention and serve our functioning needs in various areas by giving us useful information that we can access and use in real time.

We need to go beyond that immediate access to purchases and we should each very intentionally do some things that increase the possibility of getting access to true and useful information as part of our Peace strategy for America.

You can do something important relative to truth.


We should start a new Truth Agenda for the country.

We should each commit to truth.

To make that commitment a functional possibility, we should each make a commitment at a very basic level to one aspect and to one key component of truth.

It can be done — because there is an achievable, explicit, direct, and universally understandable and clear commitment to truth that we can each make.

We can each agree not to say something that we know is not true when we say it.

That particular and explicit commitment is understandable, basic, achievable, and it is actually and totally within our own control.

We should each agree in our lives when discussing or presenting news-related or situational information ourselves to other people to never personally say something that we know is not true at the time we say it.

That is a very important and perhaps game-changing commitment, because far too many of our political and community discussions have had people say or repeat something that we and they knew was not true at the time we said it — and people did not feel guilty or wrong saying the untrue thing, because our side in that setting benefited from the untruth, and having our side benefit in that moment was our goal and our standard and our only criteria for success.

We can change that approach. We are each in full control of that process because it is actually and explicitly about what we each say, and we each control what we say.

We have control over what we say.

That expectation to not say something that we know isn’t true at the time we say it should be the new normal.

We should not say something that we know personally is not true at the time we say it.

We don’t need information perfection, or even absolute accuracy about every point at the time we make them, but we should be absolutely clear and we should each be completely committed to never say something that we know ourselves is not true at the point when we say it.

It’s an easy fix for part of a complex problem and it’s easy because we are each saying what is being said.

That commitment and that practice restores us to a level of ethical communication and ethical and moral interaction, expectation, behavior, and practice that was a foundation of our country.

That was clearly and actually a foundational belief for a very long time.

We took great pride in saying true things.

Truth was our standard and our expectation and our commitment and our goal. People were deeply insulted and offended if anyone said they said something that was not true.

That approach involves and creates self-respect.

We show and we earn and build self-respect at an important level when we only say things that are true. We can be proud of being a person who makes truth a value and a behavior.

We also show and create a high level of respect for whoever we're interacting with when we only say things that are true to them.

America used to have truth as a core value.

America used to have truth as an expectation.

America used to have truth as our only level of interaction with ourselves and with the people in our various settings.

We should make that personal commitment.

We can make it and we can hold ourselves to it because we are in full control of what we say.

Then we should increase our leverage and impact, and we should each ask our leaders to say true things as well.

Our leaders want to lead us and they want our support and alignment, and we can tell them that we want them to not say anything they know is not true in their interactions with us. And we should say that will be the basic commitment we need from them in order for us to support and accept them as our leader.

We also should ask our various social media people and our news media people to not every say anything to us that they know is not true at the point they say it.

We can change the culture in pieces by changing pieces of the culture.

On the social media chain of information for each of us, we need each of us to say that we want the truth to be a key part and a key link in that chain, and we should let people know when we believe that they've violated that rule as part of our participation in that string of communications and we should tell people we prefer that they say true things.


Part of that will be an easy sale, because many people hold other people to truth as a standard and expectation now in many social media interactions, and people in various venues and settings often collectively criticize and attack anyone saying obviously untrue things in those social Media contexts and settings.

Truth of some kind is actually an underlying expectation now for most social media chains, and people become angry and unhappy now when someone tells them things that they know were obviously not true.

The most obvious exception to that group expectation to do true things and to say true things is when we're doing our basic tribal Us-Them thinking, and when we've decided that other people who are not in our tribe in that setting are a Them and don’t need to be told the truth by us.

We lie to our enemies.

We too often lie to Them and we too often feel no guilt when we tell those lies because They aren’t in our tribal group.

That’s’ an unfortunate behavior pattern we see in too many places, and we need to understand it and we need to correct it now in as many settings as we can.

Us-Them thinking in a setting with those instincts in gear is often very damaging — and we need to minimize the times that we allow that level of thinking and those values to skew our thoughts and emotions as communities and as a nation.

Let’s replace those behaviors and untrue statements with truth.

Let’s make the conscious decision to not say things that we know are not true to Them. We can get a long way down the path to inter group Peace and to trust between groups if we go down that path of saying things that are true in our inter group settings.

We should aim toward win-win results and toward win-win interactions in a very intentional and explicit way.

We need to figure out win-win outcomes for every setting. We are fortunate to basically live in a world of plenty, where we don’t need to have the other side lose in order for our side to win, and we should be able to figure out how to have the people in each setting have their legitimate wins and positive outcomes happen now and going forward from now.

We should make that an expectation of our social Media interactions.

We should make inter group Peace and community-based beneficial results our goal and our strategy and our plan, and our commitment to ourselves and to each other.


There are five things we should do as next steps for Peace:

1: The first thing we need to do is to get the intelligencia of our country and of each setting we are in to know and understand that we're creatures of instincts and that we can rise to more enlightened levels of behavior if we understand those instincts and if we steer them down peaceful pathways in intentional and effective ways.

We have instincts to be territorial, hierarchical, tribal, and protective of our own group and family, and those instincts steer how we think, and steer our emotions at multiple levels.

The Institute for InterGroup Understanding has written books and multiple training and thought pieces on those issues, and ties them to an overarching package that contains quantum physics, quantum biology, quantum sociobiology, quantum consciousness, and quantum metaphysics — with our cultures and interactions embedded in the quantum sociobiology part of that package.

The books are available from Amazon and can be read free electronically from the inter group website.

2: The second thing we need to do to build and sustain Peace is to use the full set of instinct-related tools in each setting. We need to figure out how to use those instincts and tools in every setting, and we can build multiple pathways to Peace across the board in many settings with those tools in hand.

We have a wide range of tools for peace that are available on the Institute website and in those books, and we should use them to learn and guide our thoughts in that space.

We should use the social media links that we each have to share that information with other people who we want to share in building and then supporting Peace.

3: The third thing we can do to create intergroup Peace is to take the tools and the teaching and to use our various social media settings and linkages and our communities and personal friends and family linkages as Peace opportunities and venues and to do the right thing with each other in each setting to build positive settings, outcomes, and Peace.

Our various social media linkages can support win-win outcomes and interactions and can help us both understand each other and optimize the likelihood of Peace for us all.

4: The fourth thing we need to do is to create linkages that support Peace.

We need to build on our social media platforms and tools and encourage TikTok Peace coalitions and Instagram and Facebook Peace linkages that people enjoy and that people find easy and even fun to use.

Each of those venues encourages and enables collective and shared linkages, and we can slip Peace messages and Peace information into the information flow for each linkage to help people accept and even protect one another in being positively aligned.

We need to build safe and credible data and information flows that get us to the right outcomes.

We can influence the Media.

We need to ask Fox News and CNN to not say anything they know is not true at the time they say it — and we need to ask each of the news outlets and social media platforms to have their audiences asking for true things from their sites and being clear about truth being an expectation.

The Institute for Inter Group Understanding website will have both Instagram and Bluesky sites with the Institute label, with support for brain development for young children and for enlightened instinctive behavior, and the institute will try to offer some input into key situations where it might be useful to have current and additional information through postings on those sites.

Pull up all of those links from the InterGroup website if you are interested in a broad perspective on those issues and if you want to steer in the most positive and beneficial directions today.

People love to learn, so if you send people good links and thought pieces from the website about kid brain development or Peace, there's a good chance they will think that’s a good idea and might share it.

Let’s use the entire tool kit to steer down that path.

Artificial Intelligence is now a tool we can all use and we should use it for Peace..

5: The fifth thing that might be useful for creating Peace will be to ask people who are looking at Peace issues and thinking about various community development in various settings to have AI directly and explicitly supporting the Peace process in direct ways and to have the Peace pieces and books from this site submitted to the AI thought. processes.


We should have the Peace initiatives and various thought pieces on the website added to any artificial intelligence (AI) work that you do on related behaviors.

Your AI thinking can be enhanced by having the Peace agenda, values, and information added to the thought process for AI thinking.

Peace hasn’t been an AI knowledge base or skill set up to now, so you can have that tool with a link to the Institute website and to the Institute Peace books for those purposes.

AI will be smarter if we load the thought process with information about instinctive behaviors, cultures, tribes, developmental issues, and the kinds of values that we want included in our strategies and approaches.

For people now using AI and looking at any kind of problem areas, these Peace Thoughts might be useful.

And these thoughts on the Truth Agenda might be useful.

And this context for the Four Paradigms of Existence might be useful as a feed into the AI context building process.

We need Peace.

Let’s have AI support that process.

Make your social media tools and links as useful as you can for achieving that goal, and make peace a goal of any planning you do for any setting.

We have quantum physics. quantum biology, quantum instincts, quantum sociobiology, and quantum consciousness as part of a package and a very intentional set of gifts and tools that we've been given as stewards of this planet.

Let’s be great stewards and let’s have a safe and lovely ride with AI as one of the gifts enabling our success.

Welcome to the Peace Movement for our world.