September 30, 2017
A million Rohingya people have been denied citizenship by Myanmar for several decades in an absolutely clear and explicitly intentional practice of major ethnic discrimination. The government of Myanmar is now going past basic discrimination into both collective murder and bloody and cruel ethnic cleansing.
July 6, 2017
"Mounting evidence suggests that the nation’s K–12 schooling is falling short in preparing new generations for the ever-changing demands of the 21st century workplace." — Katharine B. Stevens
September 3, 2016
At three years of age, the children who had been fed breast milk averaged seven points higher on their IQ tests.
August 30, 2016
What if you could immunize children against future poverty? George C. Halvorson, CEO for the Institute of InterGroup Understanding, thinks we can.
September 6, 2015
Pope Francis has called on the Catholics of Europe to Open their homes to refugees from the Middle East and Africa.